Monday, 25 January 2010


Martin Tucker is the director of Penwith College. He he has set us a task to premote the new building that we have got, but he wants it in a unique way as he does'nt want to advertise like the other colleges in cornwall. He said that he wants us to do it before easter and he wants us to pitch three ideas in our groups that we have got into and then he will pick the ones that he thinks is a good idea and then give us a budget. The messages he wants to convey about the college is that new build and its very modern, theres new resorces, good views and that it is something we are proud of having, as it is the most biggest thing that has happend in penzance and that it is open to anyone as we have a welcoming and nice college and we want people to know it has changed than what it used to be like, as penwith had a bad name in the past. The new building is showing the community that Penwith College is making a change and I think that the new buildings will show the community that.
Also the wind turbine we have will show the community that Penwith College is going green and its different to the rest of the colleges as they dont have one.
He also said the unique selling point of the company is that it is top quality teaching, good results(grades),friendly,local and the college is very welcoming.
We asked what mediums they would like the productions created in and he said posters,media/videos, and anything media based to premote the college aslong as it is unique and he wants it to stand out to the rest of the advertising.
He said that his goal was for us to premote the college and that its all about the students and they come first.
We asked if there is anything particular he would like for us to document and he said that he wants us to advertise to let students know that the new builidings are for them.
The health and safety requirements we should observe is that we should get permission from people that we are filming and be careful on the building site and to wear the clothing and hats the builders wear, he said we will also need a teacher with us and not to go on our own.
The auidiences he wants to target are potential students, people who are going to the college,
16-18 and 19+.
We also asked how will the productions be used in the future and he said that he wants double the amount of students that we have at the moment.

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