Monday 8 February 2010


These are mine and Jack Reynolds three ideas that we have came up with. The first idea we had was a video to promote the new building and the courses we have at Penwith College. We have found a video that we want our promotional video to be like this video is the Nike advert. We liked this video because it was different to other adverts it is all in there P.O.V and we thought we could do that as well. We thought that we could have the student on there first day at college going through the college looking up at the doors which will show the courses and then they will walk through two big doors to graduation. The message we want to give off is that when you come to Penwith college you will get the grades you need to get into university. We also want to show the views we have got from the new build.
The second idea we had is to have a 4 page spread magazine which will promote the new building having pictures of it and why its different to all the other colleges. It will also include the courses in there.
The final idea we had was posters, we wanted them to be different to all the other posters though as we want our college to stand out the most. We have to target it to the audiences 16-18 and 19+ (mature) we were going to put pictures of the new building in and out of it.

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